Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Solar Panel Frame

The fab shop aka dads tool shed

My trusty Miller Maxstar atop a high dollar welding stand.

1 inch angle iron used for the frame

Marked and ready to be cut

So much can be accomplish with a 4 inch Dewalt angle grinder

Angle iron cut and read to be tacked together

Frame is tacked on all four corners and then welded out as seen here.

The frame welded out and ready to be painted

First it gets a coat of primer

And then a nice coat of metallic silver paint. Unfortunately this was indoor paint so I had to sand it back off and repaint it with some textured out door pain the next day after I installed the glass.

Glass installed and held into place with this small brackets which are tacked on. Also a layer of silicon sealant is applied for waterproofing.

Glass installed ready to be repainted with the proper paint.

The next step is to order some epoxy resin, and taped down the cells and encapsulate them with the resin.